Friday, October 31, 2008

What is Food Justice?

So being in Anthro class, my first impression of what food justice is was that it had to do with how foods like wild rice were being bio-pirated from Indigenous and other groups of people. These people have had decades of TEK about their crops, and now companies are trying to patent them, saying that these crops are their property. Most of you probably agree to hearing this in a few of the past lectures.

Now after googling the definition of Food Justice, I found that most of the websites on the first page had the same definition of what Food Justice was.

Quoting from the second link posted, "Food justice is the concept that society should arrange its relationships so everyone can have sufficient food." Basically it is saying that when we have food justice, everybody is getting a fair share of food and water, and that there is no starvation in the world.

With myself having two views that may fall under the same category, what do you guys think Food Justice is?